Sagittarius Season Zodiac & Crystals

Sagittarius Zodiac and Crystals

By Sophie Ahmed 

Sagittarius – November 22nd – December 21st

The Sagittarius Sun is ready to shine brightly after swimming in the water sign of Scorpio. This fire sign is ready to bring optimism, adventure and fun. Ruled by Jupiter, Planet of luck, growth and expansion. This season is all about growing yourself with newfound confidence to leave your comfort zone.

Those who Sagittarius rules are unapologetically themselves, honest, and eager to learn about everything in life’s adventures. Represented by The Archer symbol, a centaur shooting a bow and arrow highlights the Sagittarian need to shoot first. They are very goal-orientated and will gallop through life rather than gently stroll.

We have curated the perfect Bundle of Gemstones expertly matched to amplify the Sagittarian energy for this exciting season. Keep reading to find out about this exclusive offer.

The Sagittarius birthstone is Turquoise, an ever-calming blue ocean to balance out this fire sign. Turquoise is very useful to steady emotions and helps you keep a clear head during hectic moments. Turquoise is connected to the Throat Chakra, enabling communications to flow easily.

Sagittarians are known for their restless side; Amethyst is a very spiritual stone that works closely with the Crown Chakra to calm and soothe any anxious thoughts. Creating a very stable environment when your world may feel chaotic.

Matching their Ruling Planet Jupiter’s stormy energy, Sagittarians need an ultra-soothing Stone that will calm them to their very centre. Beryl is a very gentle and soft Gem but also very powerful. Opening up all the Chakras, it will pass its tranquil energy all over to match the wild energy of Jupiter.

Known to say yes without thinking, Sagittarians can rely on Lapis Lazuli to bring its deep intuition and self-awareness properties to the party. Lapis Lazuli the extroverted Sagittarians to focus on their inner selves and what they truly want.

Sagittarians respond well to Crystals, which keeps them focused and grounded, so they genuinely think about the outcomes before diving head-first into something. Let these Crystals light up your life!

To celebrate Sagittarius Season, we have a Limited-Edition Bundle Offer for you! Buy two or more from our Bundle and get 10% off! The Bundle includes:

Turquoise Mixed Shape Cabochons 

Amethyst Smooth Rounds

Multi Beryl Micro Faceted Beads

Lapis Lazuli Twisted Oval Beads

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